The present yields no happiness No smiles No laughter Abandoned ideas fall in the truck as I drive in the morning I still don't have the money for a voice recorder (sigh) Ahhhhhhh Love will tear us apart Black stage, clothes, hair NOTHING beats applause I need it; I need to feel to good I wasted my talent I guess I should be happy that I got my 15 minutes This is my only outlet I reach some I gain small bits of pleasure from the praise or the tears or the smiles and nods We have all felt what I have written I do the justice and in this I shall yield the happiness Reap it Sow the seeds in words that tumble whilst the music from my past blasts me back Music drives the soul and carries the heart to the prom Damn I need more Is she out there? Will she find me? Or am I destined to be alone......... You bastard R David Paine III 06/03/01 8:59p