Entangled We start our lives as a seed We are planted We are fed and watered We are spoken to lovingly Days pass and we begin to get a "personality" We begin to show signs of traits from both our parents Our parents count the months now and not the days We show signs of mental things now Intellect, and motor skills As the months turn to years that we can now count, We begin to place roots On our way to maturity and adulthood we grow many We try new things and obtain new skills, increasing the amount of roots we can have We become individuals Our parents' stand proud and tall But some of the paths we choose will not always be the right ones and we will learn This will add more roots to the cluster We will have some roots that are shallow and some deep within the Earth These deep roots will lead to enrichment and these roots become our arteries Like our best friends Years will pass and take us into adulthood We will develop a cluster of roots Some of our roots will grow in a twisted fashion and cross the path of another Some roots we thought would last forever will shrivel and die Others will not grow but will continue to feed our minds and hearts Like the people you know� but don't As adults we will continue our search for enrichment We will look in every location for the spot that will bring us new life Time will pass as we look Some will grow roots in a new location Some will find that they had roots that were forgotten Others will find that an old root will cross another's path again Like Bill, and Jen They will use what they have learned on their own to create new paths together Time passes quickly Through us new growth will occur with a new set of roots With new paths and new friends We will grow older and wiser, weathering storms, and children, and children's children And one day will be one day once again And we will forget what time is together Congratulations Bill and Jen may your future have many strong roots R. David Paine III - 2/28/01 - 8:14pm